Translations in context of "kurdish" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: of kurdish origin, in kurdish.
Ali, Ihasan JAF English-Kurdish Dictionary 2009 sanjaf@gmail.com Mohammad, Shirwan Oxford Photo Dictionary English-Kurdish 2008 Nawkhosh, Salam Oxford Dictionary Kurdish-English Sulemaniya, 2002. A Basic Guide to Kurdish Grammar Kurdish is a beautiful language. A Basic Guide to Kurdish Grammar 1 1. KURDISH ALPHABET Translate English to Kurdish, Darbandikhan, As Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. 6,339 likes · 10 talking about this. to learn English 2 hours ago qamus in Kurdish Kurmanji.
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Turkish Kurdistan or Northern Kurdistan (Kurdish: Bakurê Kurdistanê ) refers to the southeastern part of Turkey, where Kurds form the predominant ethnic group. The Kurdish Institute of Paris estimates that there are 20 million Kurds living in Turkey, the majority of them in the southeast. English-Kurdish Dictionary . ئهرشیڤ .
ARABIC LEXICON . timbuckwalter@qamus.org 2006-03-08 2018-10-13 LEARN ENGLISH IN KURDISH LANGUAGE Kurdish (, ) is a continuum of Northwestern Iranian languages spoken by the Kurds in Western Asia.
This is virtual English to Kurdish translator app that will help you understand in Kurdish, the meaning of any English word. If you want to become a master at knowing the correct meaning of English words and that too in your own language Kurdish, then look nowhere else.
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Av: Balāsim, Ḥasan. Språk: Arabiska.
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Type your text & get Kurdish to English translation instantly Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to instantly translate words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. Welcome This is virtual English to Kurdish translator app that will help you understand in Kurdish, the meaning of any English word.